1987 Flyer West Plains MO High School Choir Kelly Dame Benefit Concert in Austria found with other papers from 1987 trip to Austria Google Translate translated from German as: BENEFIT CONCERT FOR THE ORGAN RENOVATION OF CHARLES CHURCH Sunday, June 14th 10 a.m Parish mass West Plains High School Choir (Missouri, U.S.A.) Conductor: Kelly Dame MOZART BRITTEN CARTEN PHILLIPS BYRD DI LASSO (Admission free) Sunday, June 14th 7:30 p.m BACH EVENING "Musical Sacrifice" Cantata 82a "I have enough" ENSEMBLE STUDIO DA CAMERA VIENNA Margret Bogner-Strozer, soprano Joceln Gibert, violin Maura Bayer, flute Conductor and on harpsichord: Ingomar Rainer Tickets: ÖS 100 (Students: ÖS 50) The net proceeds go to the organ fund. Tickets are available in the church (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.) and in the opera passage at the "Tourist Information" and "Austrobus" (9 a.m. - 7 p.m.) Kärntnerstraße: "Intropa" (9 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.)) זיןיוצי Note that some of the images may have glare from my lighting source. Please view all images to determine condition. cbbox1